Bexs Barlow The way Rachel effortlessly fits so much of the nuance that surrounds race, culture and identity into one show, all with uplifting energy, fun and gentleness is exquisite. This show was always meant to come into being and I hope for as many individuals to witness it as possible. Be blessed and blessed be.

Deborah A “Rachel is such an incredible storyteller. The show was engaging in every aspect, I am really glad I got to experience it before the end of fringe. I would 100% recommend this show to all!” 

Luca Vaccari “The sheer amount of information that Rachel imparts in her show is incredible - all whilst be funny and personable. The show successfully tackles the more nuanced aspects of race and cultural identity, and Rachel avoids treading on eggshells around the subject. Instead, she balances wit with pragmatic and thought-provoking ideas about identity and the complexities of genetic and cultural heritage.” 

Amanda M “Creative and relatable to those with 23 and me identify crisis! Cool this fringe run is to be written into a chapter in the book! Excellent singer!” 

Valeriya Pushkareva “Exciting and thought-provoking journey of ancestry and self-discovery, sometimes might be a bit shoking[sic], but you just breathe through it I promise you'll like it at the end!” 

Kelly Smith “Really enjoyed this show. Rachel is a great storyteller and very professional. It was uplifting and entertaining. Heartfelt and you came away with things to think about. Looking forward to her book!” 

Penny B “This is a wonderful show. It was the last one I saw before our Edinburgh Fringe trip came to an end - and it was the perfect choice. Rachel Pollock is a gifted storyteller and like all great writers I’m not quite sure how she made me feel like I’d known her characters for years in such a short time. The verse, the songs, the movement - all beautifully done. Highly recommended. 

John Leavitt “I came in curious and left uplifted and inspired! A gem of a show - because it's human. Because it's honest. And because Ms. Pollock just drips with energy, positivity, and sincerity. I'm glad I saw this.”